What Is Cancer

What Is Cancer

Lakhvinder Singh

06-Feb-2018 at 12:39 AM

In recent decades, it seems like nothing strikes fear in the heart so much as the sound of cancer. The “Big C” causes nearly 15% of all human deaths around the world – between 8 and 10 million per year, on average

In recent decades, it seems like nothing strikes fear in the heart so much as the sound of cancer. The “Big C” causes nearly 15% of all human deaths around the world – between 8 and 10 million per year, on average. Cancer comes in many forms, and more than 100 have been identified thus far, and it seems like new varieties appear every year. By definition, cancer is a malignant tumor or a mass of mutated cells that can grow and metastasize within the body, compromising organ system function and eventually leading to death. Cancer is the most heavily researched disease in the world, and more than $1 trillion is spent on cancer treatment and infrastructure around the world each year. Unfortunately, every cancer is slightly different, as it attacks the body differently in almost every case, and can mutate to protect itself, making consistent or universal treatment nearly impossible.

Different varieties of cancer have significantly different mortality rates; for example, the one-year survival rate of pancreatic cancer is 25%, whereas the five-year survival rate for thyroid cancer is 97%). This means that many types of cancer can be “treated” and “sent into remission”, and there are many different treatments that have been tried. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and surgery are the most commonly used strategies in formal medical situations, but  there are many side effects and no guarantee of remission. Having cancer is a tragedy that strikes millions, so prevention is highly recommended. There is no telling when or in what form cancer will strike, so behavioral and dietary strategies for prevention are your best bet. Now, let’s take a look at 15 of the best ways to reduce your risk of cancer.